
Woman Creativity - Professional Women

creativity is thinking of
Some professional women, especially those who return to the business world, are not aware of the transferable creative skills they possess. If you have been home care for children you probably have a lot of experience with creative thinking.

Cooking is a creative exercise, especially when you're not using a recipe, or thinking about ways to make a child reluctant to eat. Finding interesting things for your children to do is creative thinking.

Thinking like a child is a great start to develop your creativity further. The imagination and belief that everything is possible are at the heart of creativity. Combine known ideas and come up with something completely new and different. There are some great activities that you can engage in to give your creativity a boost.

Doodling is a wonderful way to develop creativity. Most professional women have been led to believe that doodling is a waste of time and especially that it shows that you are not paying attention. This is not true, but if you are working with people who are not aware that it might not be a good idea to be found scribbling at an important meeting.

All the "great creative minds" were avid doodlers. Da Vinci, Einstein and Picasso among them. Doodling is an activity that uses both sides of the brain and encourages creativity. Drawing and painting also promote creativity being exercises with right brain.

The day dream is one of the easiest ways to unleash your creative powers. Once again as professional women, we have learned that the day dream is "bad". Certainly it is not appropriate in some situations, but letting your mind wander when you have a little time alone is a great exercise. Let your imagination run free and enjoy where it takes you.

unleash the power of your creativity
Do something new, and read something new as often as you can. This adds to the knowledge base of your mind and thus gives it more connections to feed, and thus more possibilities for real creativity.

Learn how to use mind mapping for creative flow. Not the rigid mind, computer generated-maps, but your own originals. It's much more than a brainstorming or an organization.

Read the creative thinking patterns of Edward Debono. They're old enough now, but still very effective. Go beyond the "hats" and try some of his other methods.

Use your intuition, think outside the box, and take risks. One of the major things with creative thinking is to put aside the "this is not possible or would not work" voice. Coming up with the idea is the first stage of creation, you can decide later if it can not work or find even more creative ways to make it work.

Most professional women are naturally intuitive and naturally creative. We can all use these talents and develop them more in our work situations.
