In April 2012, it was reportedthat Taylor Swiftwas in talks to portray folk legend and Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Joni Mitchellin the big-screen adaptation of Girls Like Us, a book that focuses on the impact of Mitchell, Carol King and Carly Simon. As recently as October 2012, Swift admittedthat she was still eager to play Mitchell, but the role hadnt been confirmed yet. Two years later, we finally know why the film wasnt officiallygreenlit: Mitchell prevented the biopic from being made.
I squelched that, Mitchell told The Sunday Times of the nixed biopic (via NME). I said to the producer, All youve got is a girl with high cheekbones. Its just a lot of gossip, you dont have the great scenes. Mitchell also said of the source material, written by Sheila Weller, Theres a lot of nonsense about me in books. . .assumptions, assumptions, assumptions.
Thats actually not confirmed, Swift said in October 2012 when asked if she would play Mitchell. I wish I could say its confirmed! But the thing about movies that Ive learned is Ive been reading scripts for five years, and you just dont know what ones are going to get greenlit and which ones arent, so I cant talk about it unless its the real thing.
The Newsroom actress Alison Pill was also in talks to play Carole King inGirls Like Us before Mitchell had the film blocked. John Sayles was hired as screenwriter with Kate Jacobs directing the movie.Girls Like Us would have been the first dramatic turn for Swift, who made her big screen debut in the 2010 ensemble romantic comedy Valentines Day. The 1989 singer finally tackled drama when she appeared in the 2012 adaptation of the young adult classic The Giver.